Economics & Human Rights
Our Economics and Human Rights unit is engaged in international supply chains and human rights regarding the production of all items, which we buy for private use or public affairs. We specialise in working conditions in fashion factories in Eastern and South East Europe. We campaign for the demand of living wages in that sector: wages you can actually live off of! „Lohn zum Leben“ is the project we are engaged in. (contact: Dr. Bettina Musiolek)
Within this context, we host a training course on the topic of „Fashion & Human Rights“, called FairCademy . We impart fundamental knowledge, didactics and specific forms of activism for dedicated people. (contact: Fabienne Winkler)
In addition, the ENS is a supporting organisation of the “Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung“, the German branch of the international Clean Clothes Campaign .(contact: Fabienne Winkler)
Another focus of our work is Fair Trade. Within the Alliance of “SACHSEN KAUFT FAIR” (Saxony buys fair) we demand basic principles by law, and activities by the Free State of Saxony and Saxon local authorities. At the purchase of products like textiles, natural stones or IT-products, the human rights in manufacturing shall be considered. (contact: Heiko Reinhold)
The Fair Trade is an concrete opportunity to contribute to better living and working conditions for producers. Pre-financing and long-term supply relations result in planning reliability. Contracts are closed directly with the producers. The cooperation is based on more self-determination. Thus workers are enabled to improve their economic and social status.
Further information about Fair Trade:
- F.A.I.R.E. merchandise trade e.G. – Regional centrum of Fair Trade / Wholesaling
- CorA Network for Corporate Accountability